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はじめに 縦隔内甲状腺腫は腫瘍全体あるいは50%以上が縦隔内に存在するものである1).2014年の日本胸部外科学会の報告では,本邦の縦隔腫瘍切除例4,685例中75例(1.6%)と少数である2).一方,緩徐に発育するため無症状の場合が多いが,巨大化すると気道を圧排し呼吸不全をきたす可能性がある.われわれは呼吸困難で発見され,緊急気道管理の後に手術を行った巨大縦隔内甲状腺腫の1手術例を経験した.
An 81-year-old woman with acute respiratory distress was referred to our hospital. Computed tomo-graphy showed a large mass in the upper mediastinum with severe tracheal stenosis. Endotracheal intubation was performed under the preparation of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and high-frequency jet ventilation, and the tumor was completely removed. The pathologic diagnosis was a goiter. Post-operatively, respiratory distress disappeared. No tumor recurrences have been noted for more than 2 years after surgery.

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