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はじめに 静脈内平滑筋腫症(intravenous leiomyomatosis)は子宮に好発するまれな平滑筋腫であり,静脈血管腔内での平滑筋細胞の増殖を特徴とし,組織学的には良性腫瘍に分類される.しかしながら,まれに骨盤内から腸骨静脈,卵巣静脈,腎静脈を経由して連続性に下大静脈から心腔内へ進展し,三尖弁嵌頓や肺塞栓などの致死的合併症を起こす危険がある1~3).われわれは,巨大な子宮原発巣から複数の静脈経路で下大静脈/右心系へ進展した静脈内平滑筋腫症に対し,二期的手術を行ったので報告する.
Intravenous leiomyomatosis is a rare neoplastic condition characterized by the benign intravascular proliferation of smooth muscle cells originating from either the uterine venous wall or a uterine leiomyoma. In the present report, we describe the case of a 36-year-old woman, who was referred to our institution due to abdominal pain. Computed tomography indicated the presence of a giant intravenous leiomyoma originating from the uterus and extending to the right ventricle with complex pathways. The patient was successfully treated by tumor resection under circulatory arrest in two-stage operations in conjunction with gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonists therapy. She continued to recover and did not exhibit any recurrence at the 8-month follow-up.

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