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はじめに 気管支動脈瘤は非常にまれであると報告されているが1~3),経過観察中に破裂して気管支内穿破から気道出血,あるいは縦隔内出血により重篤な状態に陥る場合がある.したがって,的確な診断と,瘤径・部位により適切な治療が重要である.われわれは,胸部不快感を主訴とした気管支動脈瘤を経験したので報告する.
An 82-year-old male was admitted due to mild chest discomfort. Enhanced computed tomography showed a large bronchial artery aneurysm (BAA) of 26×27 mm at the left hilus. To avoid the rupture of BAA, coil embolization alone was performed. There has been no enlargement of BAA for these 4 years. In general, coil embolization only should be indicated in a patient with BAA with a stalk because of thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) being off-label and low cost performance. TEVAR would be considered as a last resort only in case of enlarging BAA even after coil embolization.

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