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【目的】 訪問看護師が認識するがん疼痛緩和に関する困難感および知識とセルフケア実践の関連を明らかにする.
【方法】 訪問看護師300名に,自記式質問紙調査を実施した.
【結果】 219人(73.0%)が同意し,有効回答が185人(84.5%)であった.対象者は40代が70名(37.8%)であった.がん疼痛緩和に関する困難感合計得点とがん疼痛セルフケア実践合計得点および実践項目の「がん疼痛の聴取・アセスメント」,「がん疼痛の薬物療法・非薬物療法」,「がん疼痛セルフケアに関する患者と家族への教育・指導」,「がん疼痛の程度や実施しているセルフケア状況の記録」,「がん疼痛緩和に最大限対応するためのチーム医療」との関連は,有意な負の相関がみられた(r=-0.42~-0.31, p<0.01).がん疼痛緩和に関する知識合計得点とがん疼痛セルフケア実践合計得点および実践項目の「がん疼痛の聴取・アセスメント」,「がん疼痛の薬物療法・非薬物療法」,「がん疼痛セルフケアに関する患者と家族への教育・指導」,「がん疼痛の程度や実施しているセルフケア状況の記録」との関連は,有意な正の相関がみられた(r=0.27~0.37, p<0.01).
【結論】 訪問看護師のがん疼痛セルフケア実践には,疼痛緩和知識の獲得および困難感緩和の必要性が示唆された.
Objective: To delineate the relationship between visiting nurses' perceived difficulties and knowledge of cancer pain relief with self-care practices.
Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted on 300 visiting nurses.
Results: Among the nurses, 219 (73.0%) agreed to participate, while 185 (84.5%) gave effective responses. Seventy (37.8%) of the subjects were in their 40s. There was a significant negative correlation between the total scores of difficulties related to cancer pain relief and self-care practices for the following practice items: “listening and assessment of pain,” “pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment of pain,” “education and guidance for patients and families,” “recording self-care status,” and “team medicine” (r=-0.42--0.31, p<0.01). There was a significant positive correlation between the total scores of knowledge about cancer pain relief and self-care practices and the association with the practice items “listening and assessment of pain,” “pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment of pain,” “education and guidance for patients and families,” and “recording self-care status” (r=0.27-0.37, p<0.01).
Conclusion: Our results suggest the necessity for visiting nurses to acquire knowledge on pain relief and relieve the sense of difficulty in cancer pain self-care practices.
© Nankodo Co., Ltd., 2023