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To investigate the daily life experience of elderly patients and their spouses living by themselves after bypass surgery for arteriosclerosis obliterans of the lower extremities, semi-structured interviews were conducted with three married couples, and the obtained data were analyzed using the Qualitative Synthesis method (KJ method). The patients realized [the effects of the surgery in daily life], and adopted [behaviors to protect their legs based on their decisions after surgery] being supported by [a foundation for future life], while they developed [anxiety about their future]. Their spouses [had a positive emotion toward the patient after surgery] and [maintained their household] by [changing their lifestyle] and [devising measures to manage their own health], while they had [concern about their future].
The patients adopted measures for deterioration prevention, which were feasible for them in daily life, such as preventing injury, protecting the lower extremities, regularly receiving medical consultation, managing medications, and observing symptoms, with cooperation from their spouses. However, as patients cannot implement all necessary measures, it may be important to understand their emotions from their perspectives on daily life, and determine feasible measures for health maintenance with them through guidance during hospitalization.
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