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For the prevention of homebound elderly people, we clarified the present status of homebound elderly people and evaluated the life-style associated with their homebound state. A home-visit interview survey was performed using a questionnaire from 321 home-living elderly people with J rank independence in daily life, of whom 189 had lost a spouse, but the other 132 had a spouse. Subjects who are homebound or at a high risk of being homebound states were classified as a risk group and non-homebound subjects as a non-risk group.
1. The incidence of homebound states was 1.6% in the bereaved subjects and 1.5% in the subjects with a spouse.
2. The risk group included 39.7% of the bereaved subjects and 43.9% of the subjects with a spouse.
3. In both the bereaved subjects and subjects with a spouse, the risk group was characterized by advanced age, decreased social activities, poor will to be active, low living function, poor feelings of good health, poor social association, and a self-awareness of their homebound state.
These results suggested poorer physical, psychological, and social functions in the risk group than in the non-risk group and the necessity for the prevention of homebound states in the risk group.
Copyright © 2002, Japan Society of Nursing and Health Care All rights reserved.