

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Seasonal Differences in Sleep-state of Elderly People Requiring Long-term Care: Long-term Follow-up Survey in a Special Nursing Home in the Hokuriku Region of Japan Kyoko Kasai 1 , Hiromitsu Kobayashi 2 , Kazuyo Kawashima 2 1Fukui Prefectural University Faculty of Nursing and Social Welfare Sciences 2Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University Keyword: 要介護高齢者 , 睡眠状態 , 季節差 , 長期追跡 , 北陸地方 , elderly people requiring long-term care , sleep-state , seasonal difference , long-term follow-up , Hokuriku region pp.19-27
Published Date 2016/7/31
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 We investigated for one year the sleep-state of elderly people requiring long-term care in a special nursing home in the Hokuriku region of Japan, using mattress-type sleep monitors. A total of 15 participants were recruited and their data were recorded over one year and analyzed. The 15 participants comprised 4 males and 11 females, with a mean age of 85.4 ± 8.6 years. Their average length of stay in the nursing home was 4 years. In terms of level of required care, three participants required level-1 care, eight required level-2 care, and four required level-3 care.

 Throughout the year of data collection, the average sleep-onset time was 7:19 p.m., demonstrating that participants were likely to go to bed immediately after dinner. The average wake-up time was 6:23 a.m., and the average sleeping duration was 11 h and 5 min. The proportions of light, deep, and REM sleep were 66%, 4%, and 17% of the sleeping hours, respectively. In terms of seasonal differences in sleep-state, sleep-onset time was earlier and waking time was later in winter, compared with those in summer, resulting in longer sleeping hours in winter. However, because a longer interrupted sleep and a shorter REM sleep were recorded in winter, the quality of sleep in winter was lower than that in summer, despite the longer sleeping hours. In conclusion, results suggest that the residents would benefit from staying awake longer after dinner, resting in sunlight, and having a warmer bedroom in winter.

Copyright © 2016, Japan Academy of Gerontological Nursing All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2432-0811 印刷版ISSN 1346-9665 日本老年看護学会


