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本研究の目的は,がん性疼痛に対し患者がどのように疼痛評価し,どのような対処行動を取っているかを明らかにすることである.対象は,おもに外来でモルヒネを使用したがん性疼痛コントロールを行っている女性のがん患者35名.データは,がん性疼痛を評価するためのCleeland C.S.らによって開発されたBPI(Brief Pain Inventory)とがん性疼痛に対する対処行動を評価するために独自に作成した質問用紙の2種類の測定用具を使用し,面接調査によって収集した.その結果を以下に記す.
The purpose of this study was to identify how cancer patients were evaluated and used coping behaviors with cancer pain. The subjects were 35 female patients who had received pain control by opioid and been mainly outpatients. Data was collected by interviews of cancer patients using two instruments ; BPI(Brief Pain Inventory)developed by Cleeland C.S. for evaluating cancer pain and the other questionnaire developed by us for coping behaviors with cancer pain. The following results were obtained :
1. Average pain that the subjects experienced the longest time in a day and living interference were important indicators for patient's evaluated with cancer pain. Increasing the use of opioid was not positively correlated with cancer pain and living interference.
2. Cancer patients were disturbed by the degree of item and pain interference of life activity in proportion to pain intensity.
3. The subjects undergoing higher than lower level of pain needed touching therapy. Physical therapy, cognition and behavioral approach with cancer pain weren't sufficiently given.
4. It was considered that tolerance prejudice against opioid, poor supporting and aging caused barriers to management of cancer pain.
5. The subjects could communicate with physicians and nurses, however they tended to reportless of their pain to their families. Physician between physician and patient had making decision with pain therapy.
These finding indicated that decreasing pain interference of life activity contributed to the relief of cancer pain and they suggested that patient and families educated to improve patient's self-care ability.
Copyright © 1999, Japanese Society of Cancer Nursing All rights reserved.