

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Interaction between Terminally Ill Cancer Patients and Therapist-nurses for Aroma Massage Aiko Yamanaka 1 , Midori Kamisato 2 1School of Health Sciences, Fujita Health University 2Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing Keyword: アロママッサージ , セラピスト看護師 , 相互作用 , aroma massage , therapist-nurse , interaction pp.61-69
Published Date 2009/5/25
  • Abstract
  • Reference


 The purpose of this study is to elucidate the interaction between terminally ill cancer patients and aroma therapist-nurses.

 The participants in this study were ten aroma therapist-nurses who have a private qualification as an aroma therapist and had practiced aroma massage for terminally ill cancer patients. Data was collected by semi-structured interviews, and analyzed by qualitative and inductive methods. Each participant received an explanation of this study's purpose and content verbally and in writing, and they agreed to participate in this study.

 The interaction between the therapist-nurses and patients was classified into nine categories:" desire happiness and best care for the patient," "concentrate consciousness and catch the wavelength of the patient", "practice care action that respects the patient", "mixing massage oil according to assessment", "a prominent skill that can help the body by touch", "sense of energy received from the patient", "a sense of fulfillment by good reaction from the patient", "education about symptom management". One category was common to the therapist-nurses and patients:"sharing an effect from the essential oil".

 The therapist-nurses desired the happiness of the patients during the massage and they tried to catch the wavelength of the patient while using sensitivity and skills to help the body by touch. They practiced care action that respects the patient. It is thought that aroma massage has potential to become one tool in "individual nursing care that sympathizes with the patient, and accepts the feelings of the patient and one's own feelings", and has high potential to spread as part of standard nursing care.

Copyright © 2009, Japanese Society of Cancer Nursing All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2189-7565 印刷版ISSN 0914-6423 日本がん看護学会


