

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Appropriate Needle Insertion Depth for Intramuscular Injection Based on Assessment of BMI Yuri Takahashi 1 , Kazuko Kikuchi 1 , Natsuko Miura 1 , Yoko Ishida 2 1Faculty of Nursing, Iwate Prefectural University 2School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Yamagata University Keyword: 筋肉内注射 , 皮下組織厚 , 注射針刺入深度 , Body Mass Index , intramuscular injection , subcutaneous tissue thickness , needle insertion depth pp.36-45
Published Date 2014/12/31
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 Aim: The present study was conducted to clarify the appropriate needle insertion depth for intramuscular injection based on assessment of BMI.

 Methods: The participants were 553 individuals more than 18 years old. We measured their height, weight, subcutaneous tissue thickness over the deltoid and gluteus medius, and muscle thickness of the deltoid. We clarified the association between BMI and subcutaneous tissue thickness, with reference to muscle thickness, we clarified the appropriate needle length for intramuscular injection.

 Results: Subcutaneous tissue thickness over the deltoid was 0.04×BMI−0.25 in males, and 0.04×BMI−0.17 in females. However, in individuals with a BMI of <18.5, there was a risk of hitting the bone because the deltoid muscle was thin. Therefore, the appropriate needle length was 1.5cm for BMI ≤18.5−<30.0, and 2.0cm for BMI≥30.0. Subcutaneous tissue thickness over the gluteus medius was 0.05×BMI−0.38 in males, and 0.05×BMI−0.03 in females. However, in individuals with a BMI of ≥30.0, there was a risk of subcutaneous injection because of thick subcutaneous tissue over the gluteus medius. Therefore, the appropriate needle length was 1.5cm for BMI<18.5, and 2.0cm for BMI≥18.5−<30.0.

 Conclusion: The appropriate needle insertion depth for intramuscular injection into the deltoid is 1.5cm for BMI<18.5−<30.0 and 2cm for BMI≥30.0, whereas that for the gluteus medius is 1.5cm for BMI <18.5 and 2.0cm for BMI≥18.5−<30.0.

Copyright © 2014, Japan Academy of Nursing Science. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-8888 印刷版ISSN 0287-5330 日本看護科学学会


