

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Decision Making under the Uncertainty;Process of Decision from Diagnosis to Preventive-Operation in Patient with Asymptomatic Cerebrovascular Diseases Naomi Yamamoto 1 , Noriko Tsuda 2 , Mamiko Yada 2 , Yuichi Ishikawa 2 1Faculty of Health Sciences Kobe University, Graduate School of Medicine 2Faculty of Health Sciences Kobe University School of Medicine Keyword: 予防的手術 , 無症候性脳血管障害 , 決断プロセス , 不確実性 , preventive-operation , asymptomatic cerebrovascular diseases , process of decision , uncertainty pp.13-22
Published Date 2005/3/20
  • Abstract
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 The purpose of this study was to investigate the processes of decision making for the preventiveoperation in the patients with asymptomatic cerebrovascular diseases.

 In the domain of preventive surgical treatment for asymptomatic cerebrovascular diseases, there are still many uncertain and controversial elements. Meanings of the experiences of patients who undergo the preventive-operation are not known. Using qualitative method, we analyzed open-ended interviews of 15patients who underwent the preventive-operation, it was found that the process of decision making has two main dimensions. One was explained as category of sequential process, and another was explained as category relevant to the process. In the sequential process-category, ‘confusion,’‘hesitation / fluctuation,’‘examination of the prospect,’and ‘decision making which is like a bet /at the risk’were accrued sequentially. The elements-category consisted of internal emotions and experiences of the interpersonal to external human resources. The internal emotions included ‘perception of distance from illness’and ‘perception of becoming a sick person temporarily.’And experiences in the interpersonal to external human resources ‘perception of being connected with the doctor’and ‘adhering to the family functions.’Those patients intuitively felt presentiment that they might have an attack right of the diagnosis. In this study, we revealed that patients made a decision under the serious uncertainty.

 However, nurses had hardly participated in their hard situation to support the process of the decision-making. Since it is expected that patients with asymptomatic cerebrovascular diseases will increase, nurses need to establish the additional role to support the decision making of these patient.

Copyright © 2005, Japan Academy of Nursing Science. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-8888 印刷版ISSN 0287-5330 日本看護科学学会


