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本研究の目的は,喉頭摘出者のフォーマルサポート(FS)とインフォーマルサポート(IS)の実態を明らかにし,心理的適応との関係からその意義を検討することである.喉頭摘出術を受け,患者会(喉摘会)に所属する450名が,ソーシャルサポートに関する質問や喉頭摘出者用Nottingham AdjustmentScale(NAS-J-PAL)を含む調査票に回答した.ソーシャルサポートと心理的適応の関係の解析には一般線形モデルを用いた.その結果,FSのニーズがあるにもかかわらず,医師・看護師のフォーマルサポートやシステムが不足していることが明らかになった.FSは,「失声の受容」「不安・うつ」と関連した.ISは,これらに加えて「自己効力感」「LOC」「自尊感情」とも関連した.喉頭摘出者に対する継続したFSシステムの不足が,喉頭摘出者の心理社会的な不適応を生じさせる可能性が示唆された.また,FSは喉頭摘出者の社会統合の促進に,ISは失声の受容などの認知的側面に対して重要な役割を果たす可能性がある.
The purpose of this study is to describe formal and informal support (FS and IS, respectively) from various sources, and to examine its relationship between psychological adjustment among the patients after laryngectomy (PAL). 450patients after laryngectomy who were participating in self-help groups (SHGs) completed the questionnaire including items for social support and a modified Nottingham Adjustment Scale (“NAS-J-PAL”). We used a general linear model to examine the association between social support and psychological adjustment. As a result, insufficient FS from doctor, nurse and counselor as well as the lack of FS system was revealed, despite patients’needs. Social support influenced various adjustment indicators: FS on acceptance to lost voice, and anxiety and depression: in addition to these, IS on self-efficacy, selfesteem and locus of control. It is suggested the absence of continuing care for PAL from FS system might lead to psychological and social maladjustment. Specifically, FS could be effective to promote social integration and IS to accept lost voice.
Copyright © 2006, Japan Academy of Nursing Science. All rights reserved.