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In this study, we examined the psychological state of nurses involved in care for dialysis patients to effectively help them provide self-care support. We conducted a survey involving 139 nurses who participated in the Kanto Regional Seminar of the Japan Academy of Nephrology Nursing, held in August 2008, employing eleven scales designed to determine their tendency towards anxiety, a sense of self-value, and other psychological conditions. We performed a t-test to examine the relationship between their scores on the psychological scales and nursing experience, and conducted theχ2 test and one-way analysis of variance to examine their characteristics at different anxiety levels. Regarding their performance on the scale to examine problem-solving behavior, problem avoidance was noted in a large number of nurses. In terms of personal relationships, a relatively high level of dependency was observed. A high level of anxiety and mild depression were noted, while no self-denial was expressed. Regarding working experience, no marked difference in the psychological state was noted between the two groups: those with experience of over/less than ten years. We performed a multiple comparison to examine the relationships between the characteristics of nurses (gender, with or without spouse and children, and age) and their levels of anxiety tendency (very strong, strong, moderate, and weak). The average age of the“strong”was significantly lower than that of the“moderate”group.
Copyright © 2009, JAPAN ACADEMY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING. All rights reserved.