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Aim:The purpose of this study was to clarify how patients with diabetes achieve an overall balance in their lives.
Method:The study sample comprised six patients with diabetes who maintained a reasonable control of the blood glucose level. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews focusing on the patients' daily lives, conducted by a researcher. Next, the KJ method, a qualitative data synthesis method, was used to analyze the balancing of life structure among the patients.
Results:The balance of life structure consisted of seven balances:“Remedy after being out of balance,” “remedy for balance deviation,” “balance maintenance by priority action,” “balance maintenance by compatible activities,” “out-of-balance prevention,” “deflection of balance prevention,” and “transcendent balance.” These seven balances complement each other and contribute to the ability to maintain an overall balance in life.
Conclusion:Patients with diabetes responded flexibly to the situation in their daily lives and exhibited balance in their overall lives, including not only balance in illness management but also balance in sleep and emotions. The results of this study can be considered useful for providing patient education that takes into consideration the individuality of patients, such as their values, lifestyles, and living conditions.
Copyright © 2022, Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing. All rights reserved.