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This inductive/descriptive study is performed to clear what care the care, which incorporates regimen along with a life of the patient in diabetes nursing, is. For this purpose, the analysis results obtained from participation an interview with two expert nurses and seventeen diabetic patients are shown as an exemplar. They were taking care of by being caution of following points; “to incorporate a regimen into living”, “to support the emotion of patient and pull out the self efficacy”, “to diplomatize that it can agree with a patient”, “to create the atmosphere of mutual responsibility and accepted each other”. Through the correlation with patients, the nurses judged what a desirable way was for and understood that the patient had which could perform, furthermore, supported a patient's selection in the adjustment between living and limit. At that time, they paid attention to the negative emotion of patients, and performed intentionally approach which could raise confidence to the patient, after then, they approached the concrete adjusting point when a patient becoming affirmative has been discerned. An expert nurse built a confidential relation with a patient, and was performing the care that a patient could perform, and it was suggested that this became the key of the approach to patients with diabetes.
Copyright © 2005, Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing. All rights reserved.