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要旨:青年期の二分脊椎症児に対し,生活行為獲得を目的に回復期リハビリテーション病棟にて,短期入院作業療法を24日間実施し後方視的に検証した.作業療法介入プロセスモデルを参考に,生活行為の状況と目標設定をカナダ作業遂行測定(COPM),遂行能力をThe Assessment of Motor and Process Skills(AMPS)にて検証した結果,COPMの遂行スコアは3.0点から6.8点,満足スコアは2.0点から8.2点,AMPSの運動技能は0.2 logitsから1.4 logits,プロセス技能は0.3 logitsから0.9 logitsへ向上し,臨床上意味のある最小変化量を上回る結果を得た.短期入院作業療法は,青年期の二分脊椎症児の生活行為における作業遂行能力と満足度の向上が得られることが示唆された.
The effectiveness of occupational therapy on the daily life performance of an adolescent with spina bifida was investigated during a 24-day short-term hospitalization. The following method was implemented with reference to the Occupational Therapy Intervention Process Model. Daily life performance and goal setting was verified by the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM), and analysis of a daily life performance was verified by the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS). As a result, the COPM performance score improved from 3.0 points to 6.8 points, and the satisfaction score from 2.0 points to 8.2 points. Also, the AMPS motor skills improved from 0.2 logits to 1.4 logits and the process skills from 0.3 logits to 0.9 logits. In conclusion, short-term hospitalized occupational therapy in the convalescent rehabilitation ward for adolescents with spina bifida improved the occupational performance and satisfaction level of daily life performance.

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