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要旨:本研究の目的は,「生活行為相互作用評価表」の開発に向けて,原案作成と内容的妥当性の検討を通して試作版を作り上げることである.経験のある作業療法士10名の協力のもと,Nominal Group TechniqueとDelphi法によって内容を収斂し,その後,健常者80名に試行した.その結果,主対象者や実施方法,評価の視点,結果の解釈などを一部改訂し,試作版が完成した.本評価表には生活行為の相互作用を因果的に捉える特徴がある.生活状況や考え方などの質的評価を深める点,相互作用マトリクスによって生活を俯瞰的に分析する点,協業を促進する点などから,作業療法に活用可能な枠組みであることが示唆された.
The purpose of this study is to create a trial version of “Assessment Form for the Interaction of Daily Life Performance” (prototype) and to examine its logical and face validity. First, a prototype that focused on the causality of daily life performance was created. Second, ten experienced occupational therapists considered the contents of the prototype using the Nominal Group Technique and Delphi Method that were based on problem-solving/divergent-convergent facilitation. Finally, eighty healthy people used the revised version. As a result, the main subjects, methods, evaluation viewpoints, and the interpretation of results were revised until a consensus was reached. Furthermore, the trial version was completed. This assessment form could be used for occupational therapy because it deepens the qualitative evaluation of living conditions and ways of thinking, analyzes daily life with a bird's-eye view using an interaction matrix, and promotes collaboration.
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