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要旨:認知症の人とその家族介護者への支援は,両者の在宅生活を維持するために重要である.今回,訪問作業療法場面で,認知症高齢者と家族介護者2組に対し,共作業支援尺度を用いた共作業支援プログラムを実施した.共作業支援尺度から提案された改善したい共作業への作業療法介入を行った結果,認知症高齢者のBehavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia(以下,BPSD)の重症度と,家族介護者のBPSDから生じる介護負担感,共作業継続意志得点の改善が,2組共に見られた.両者の行う共作業への介入により,家族介護者の共作業の遂行能力が改善し,結果として両者にとって,より満足のいく在宅生活につなげられる可能性が示唆された.
It is important to support family caregivers of individuals with dementia to maintain an appropriate home life. We implemented a co-occupation support program using the Measure of Supporting Co-occupation with two elderly individuals with dementia and their family caregivers during home-visiting occupational therapy. During the occupational therapy intervention for co-occupation, the Measure of Supporting Co-occupation revealed co-occupations that the participants intended to improve. Additionally, the severity of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia of the elderly individuals decreased. Among family caregivers, the care burden decreased, and the intention to continue co-occupation increased. These results suggest that the intervention for co-occupation among elderly individuals with dementia and their family caregivers improved their occupational performance, which could lead to a more satisfying home life.

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