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要旨:回復期リハビリテーション病棟にて,調理にデマンドを述べた脳卒中患者に,AMPSとACQ-OPの結果に基づき,調理練習を継続的に実施した.週に1回の頻度で,クライエント(以下,CL)と共に,メニューと目標をそのつど設定して取り組んだ.その結果,AMPSのADL運動能力測定値は0.7 logits,ADLプロセス能力測定値は0.2 logits,ACQ-OP測定値は0.6 logits改善した.両評価を用いることで,作業遂行上の問題をCLと共有しやすくなり,継続的に目標に反映させた介入を展開することに役立った.AMPSとACQ-OPを作業療法プロセスに取り入れることによる効果を検証するために,さらなる事例の蓄積が望まれる.
Occupational therapy based on Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS) and Assessment of Compared Qualities-Occupational Performance (ACQ-OP) was provided to a stroke patient who was able to acquire the skills to cook, which was the client's demand. We set up the menu and goals with the client for each cooking exercise and practiced once a week. The ADL motor ability measure increased by 0.7 logits, and the ADL process ability measure increased by 0.2 logits. The ACQ-OP discrepancy measure increased by 0.6 logits. These evaluations facilitated the sharing of the occupational performance with the client and helped to develop a continuous occupational therapy intervention. Additional case studies are desired to examine the effects of AMPS and ACQ-OP in the occupational therapy process.

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