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Somatoparaphrenia (SP) is a syndrome involving both a lack of awareness of ownership of a body part and delusional misidentification and confabulation. SP patients usually have large fronto-parietal lesions in the right hemisphere, and SP resulting from left hemisphere lesions is relatively rare. A 50-year-old woman with left thalamic hematoma suffered from feelings of disownership of the right upper and lower extremities. In addition to these feelings of disownership, she complained of a sense of nonbelonging, autoheterosyncisis, and personification of her right upper extremity. Brain magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated a left thalamic hematoma (2cm), and an eazy Z score Imaging System (eZIS) analysis of the single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) images showed widespread hypoperfusion in the left hemisphere. We performed combination therapy using vibratory stimulation and mirror therapy for the SP of her right upper and lower extremities. She eventually came to recognize the right extremity as her own. Combination therapy using direct sensory input and visual optical illusion of the right limb aid in the reconstruction of the body image resulting in successful treatment of cases of SP.

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