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Several upper extremity functional test batteries have been developed, which have revealed some clinical findings of occupational therapy. However, due to the batteries' cost effectiveness and extended length of time of measurement, there remain some difficulties in performing them at the clinical setting, resulting in their infrequent use. The purpose of this study was to determine the clinical feasibility of the Ibaraki Prefectural University Finger Dexterity Test (SAKAI pegboard), the most frequently utilized test battery in Japan. One hundred healthy subjects ranging in age from 3 to 69 years participated in this study and were categorized into 5 age groups: infants, school children, the young, the middle-aged and the elderly. In this test battery 3 different kinds of pegs were used: a set of 9 large, 9 medium-sized and 9 small pegs. The rate of moving the pegs from right to left, and overturning the peg in the same hole were measured. Methodology and reliability were examined, indicating high inter-rater reliability. In intra-rater reliability, age differences were observed, but the use of the mean values demonstrated higher reliability, suggesting that this pegboard may be used as a simple-to-use test battery for measurement of upper extremity function.

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