

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A study on the applicability and the effectiveness of an education program on schizophrenia for high school students : Health literacy in mental health Yukie Tabata 1 1Faculty of Health and Welfare, Prefectural University of Hiroshima Keyword: (ヘルスプロモーション) , (有用性) , (ヘルスリテラシィ) , 精神科作業療法 , 精神保健 , Health promotion , Effectiveness , Health literacy , Psychiatric occupational therapy , Mental health pp.262-271
Published Date 2007/6/15
  • Abstract
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 As a health promotion activity, an education program on schizophrenia was provided to first-year high school students, and its applicability and effectiveness was studied by examinations and questionnaires using the following steps: 1) Comparison between before the lecture and after the lecture of the knowledge of the 423 attendees (1st-year high school students) concerning the contents of the lecture; 2) Comparison between before the lecture and at the time of graduation from high school of the knowledge of the 844 attendees; 3) Analysis of the 410 attendees' perception at the time of graduation.

 As a result of these comparisons and analyses, we found that the rates of correct answers to our questions were significantly higher (p<0.05) after the lecture and at the time of graduation. And those who attended the lecture indicated that this education program was applicable and effective in helping high school students obtain knowledge. It was also found in the analysis of the 410 attendees' perception at the time of graduation that the attendees developed an understanding about the importance of obtaining knowledge, the probability that anyone can develop schizophrenia, and the significance of early check-ups and detection.

 These findings illustrate a possibility that this education program is effective in providing students with knowledge, enhancing their awareness, and orienting them towards the prevention of the disease.

Copyright © 2007, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0289-4920 日本作業療法士協会


