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One day, before this research, we came to have a professional impression that a developmentally retarded child, YN, who also suffers from visual deficit, might have been turning his eyes only to goldencolored objects through daily activities. Based on this impression, we researched "what effects golden color brought to the child" and also researched whether the child would turn his eyes to other colors. We gathered some findings through this research, and then we also examined whether the findings could be used for the development of the child's play.
We performed seven kinds of experiments in eleven months. As a result, we found that YN showed a visual reaction to colors or patterns other than golden color including polka dotted patterns, checked patterns and certain types of illusionary figures. This finding led us to the following hypothesis : "YN turns his eyes to objects which appear to be flickering within his whole visual field," and "the visual reception of the flickering objects happens within his peripheral vision". We also found that the first hypothesis was supported by the result of an experiment we performed by the use of six types of plays.
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