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We experienced the case of an older female of multiple stroke, who had bilateral hemiparesis and various higher brain dysfunctions including ideational apraxia, ideomotor apraxia, right unilateral spatial neglect, aphasia, and inattention. She adapted poorly to our rehabilitation program and often rejected therapy especially when she was given complicated and difficult tasks. We therefore subdivided the ADL and APDL into sub items and pointed out, repetitively, what she should do during her therapy activities. To encourage her to maintain rehabilitative-therapy motivation, we also performed ADL and APDL training (in the early stage) in the ward in cooperation with nurses and her family members. After a 3-month intensive rehabilitation program, the general ability of her ADL improved to the point where she needed only minimal assistance. Therefore, this therapy program has shown that subdivision and repetition in ADL training is crucial in older patients with various higher brain dysfunctions and a rehabilitative approach, even in early stages, directed to the real ADL may be more effective than functional tasks for higher brain function.

Copyright © 2004, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.