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In today's field of health and welfare, collaborative services have become necessary. Trial-and-error research into collaboration should be conducted to improve clinical environments.
This study examines how nursing home personnel deal with fall prevention, and how different departments, in many parts of Japan, collaborate in the effort to establish the most effective means by which falling can be prevented. This has resulted in professionals, from diverse medical backgrounds, interacting with other professionals who possess the most fall prevention awareness. Those nursing homes with the most effective collaboration have, as a result, developed the most effective fall prevention approaches.
Health care committees should be established in order to narrow down systematic structures with regard to fall prevention, and should further develop collaborative measures, which will further aid in fall prevention on a national level. This could lead to more effective assessments of fall risk factors, thus increasing awareness as to which patients are the most "at risk", which, in turn, would lead to more discoveries in fall prevention, in general. Furthermore, and most importantly, staff members, patients, and family members should be made aware, through education, of these prevention approaches. With these continuing efforts to educate everyone concerned, not only will better fall prevention grow, but new systems regarding teamwork and collaboration will grow naturally.
Copyright © 2002, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.