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要旨:臨床的な促通手技に対する基礎的な資料を得る目的で,健常成人10名において,膝関節屈筋群等尺性筋収縮(遠隔筋収縮)による大脳皮質運動野錐体路ニューロン興奮性に対する影響を,経頭蓋的磁気刺激法を用いて,遠隔筋の収縮強度や収縮側の違いから検討した.その結果,第1背側骨間筋より導出した運動誘発電位(motor evoked potential)は,遠隔筋収縮により促通され,その効果は収縮強度が強い程大きく,同側と対側で差はなかった.これらの結果から,遠隔筋収縮による筋感覚入力の増大は,皮質レベルで統合され,運動野錐体路ニューロンの興奮性を増大させることが示唆された.
We examined the effect of remote muscle contraction (knee extensors) on the motor evoked potential (MEP) recorded from the first dorsal interosseous muscle (FDI) evoked by the transcranial magnetic stimulation in 10 normal subjects.
MEP amplitudes were significantly increased with regard to the intensity of remote muscle contractions. However, there was no significant difference in MEP amplitude between the ipsilateral and contra-ateral remote muscle contraction. We suggested, therefore, that the muscle afferents, increased by remote muscle contraction, are bilaterally integrated at the cortex level.

Copyright © 2001, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.