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要旨:現存するADL/APDL評価法には様々な問題があるのは知られている.それらの問題を解決した作業療法のADL/APDL評価法の一つとして,近年Rasch測定モデルを応用したAssessment of Motor and Process Skills(AMPS/アンプス)がアメリカにて開発された.本稿ではAMPSの日本人への妥当性を31名を用いて検討を行った.結果,日本人への妥当性は再確認された.欧米人が評定した欧米人のAPDL能力と日本人が評定した日本人のAPDL能力に有意差はみられず,国際比較をする際にAMPSは有効な評価法であることも示唆された.また,AMPSのAPDL能力では性差がないことも示された.
This paper provides the advantages of using an ADL/APDL assessment called AMPS (Assessment of Motor and Process Skills), which is based on the Rasch measurement model, and shows its applicability to the Japanese people. Specifically, this study examined the validity of the AMPS with 31 Japanese participants. It was found that all participants met a priori set AMPS criteria (i.e., no misfitting persons) of motor skill. As for process skill, all participants but one met the criteria. No statistically significant mean difference was found between 625 Americans who were rated by American therapists and 29 Japanese who were rated by the Japanese therapist. There was also no significant mean difference between the Japanese males and the Japanese females on the APDL tasks of the AMPS. These results reconfirmed that the AMPS can be applied to Japanese cross-culturally. Recommendations for further research are provided.

Copyright © 1998, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.