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要旨:脳血管障害患者の介護者が患者のADL能力を簡便に把握することを目的とし,7項目からなるADL評価法(Self Assessment Burden Scale;以下,SAB scale)を作成し,妥当性を検討した.対象は当院に入院し,研究に同意した脳血管障害患者とその介護者44事例である.患者の退院間際のADL能力を介護者はSAB scale,担当療法士はFIMを用いて評価した.介護者と療法士の両評価(総得点)の相関はr=0.89,7項目の一致率はκ=0.32(階段)~0.54(下衣更衣,ベッド移乗)であった.介護者がSAB scaleを用いて行う評価は,患者のADLを把握する方法として一定の妥当性があり,退院後の追跡調査などに有用と考えられた.
Due to the difficulty implementing the current activity of daily living (ADL) scales, we developed a new subscale to better understand the patients' ADL ability and examined the effectiveness of the scale. The validity of the scale was examined through investigating 44 hospitalized subjects suffering from cerebrovascular disease as well as a primary caregiver. The ADL ability of the subjects about to leave the hospital was examined using the Self Assessment Burden (SAB) Scale for caregivers, and the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) for physical therapists and occupational therapists. The primary caregiver and the therapist executed the SAB and the FIM upon the patients' leaving the hospital. The correlation results of the evaluations of the therapists and caregivers were 0.89. The results of the κ statistics were 0.32 to 0.54. The results of the weighted κ statistics were 0.58 to 0.89. The primary caregiver's answers and the answers of the therapist were similar. The results of this study indicate validity of the scales, although a follow up survey would be useful.

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