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要旨:幼稚園や保育園でのコンサルテーション型作業療法の効果検証に向けて,介入前後比較を試験的に実施した.対象は幼稚園教諭2名と保育士5名で,先生が選択した未診断だが気になる園児7名に関して合計3回のコンサルテーションを実施した.その結果,ADOC for Schoolで特定した作業において,COPMの遂行度および満足度の向上(p=0.016〜0.028,r=0.83〜0.91),Goal Attainment Scalingの目標到達度(p=0.014〜0.017,r=0.90〜0.93)に有意な改善が認められたがGeneral Self-Efficacy Scaleに有意差は認められなかった(p=0.129,r=0.58).群内前後比較におけるサンプルサイズは8〜12名で前後比較研究の実現可能性を示唆する.
We conducted a pilot study to examine the feasibility of occupational therapy (OT) consultation in kindergartens and day nurseries through pre-post intervention design. 7 teachers (Kindergarten:2, Day nursery:5) selected a child in need of special care. Teachers received three consultations/year by the OT for each child. All subjects continued for the duration of the study. For the individual goals selected by using Aid for Decision-making in Occupation Choice for School (ADOC-S), there was significant improvement in Canadian Occupational Performance Measure of satisfaction and performance (p = 0.016-0.028, r = 0.83-0.91) and Goal Attainment Scaling (p = 0.014-0.017, r = 0.90-0.93), but no improvement in the General Self-Efficacy Scale (p = 0.129, r = 0.58). A larger sample of 8-12 teachers per group would be required for a pre-post design study. These results suggest the feasibility of this type of consultation study.

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