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要旨:本研究は,頚椎症性脊髄症の男性を対象に食事遂行上の問題点を改善させることを目的とした.食事遂行の評価は,Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (以下,AMPS)を用いた.その結果,運動技能は0.29ロジット(以下,Log),プロセス技能は1.13Logであり,スプーンの把持機能の低下を認めた.作業療法による介入では,把持機能を代償するための自助具を作成し,治療的作業を実施した.作業療法介入の過程を評価期,練習期,獲得期として,AMPSの測定を実施した.自助具受け入れ期の運動技能は1.44Log,プロセス技能は1.45Logとなり,食事遂行の改善を示した.
The present study examined the problems in self-feeding encountered by a male patient with cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS) was used to assess the skills required when patients feed themselves. The pretrial results demonstrated a motor skill score of 0.29log and a process skill score of 1.13log, showing a decrease in spoon-holding function. Occupational therapy intervention included creating a self-help aid that would compensate for a lack of holding function. Measurement by AMPS was performed by dividing the intervention process into an assessment phase, practice phase and obtain phase. The self-help aid acceptance phase showed a motor skill of 1.44log and process skill of 1.45log, suggesting an improvement in self-feeding skills.

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