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要旨:本研究の目的は,訪問リハビリテーション利用者の特性が,Assessment of Motor and Process Skills(AMPS)によって測定される運動技能とプロセス技能に影響を及ぼす要因を明らかにし,作業療法士によるADL/IADL改善のための具体的な援助方法の手がかりを得ることである.調査対象者は,訪問リハビリテーション利用者66名であった.結果として,AMPSの「地域で自立して生活が可能な最低能力基準」を満たす高齢者は,運動技能得点では10.6%であり,プロセス技能得点では51.5%であった.要介護度の重度化が運動技能の低下に大きく関与していることが示唆された.
The objective of this study was to clarify how motor and process skills, as measured by the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS), are influenced by the characteristics of home-visit rehabilitation users, and thus develop key supporting methods to improve the ADL/IADL programs used by occupational therapists. The subjects observed were 66 home-visit rehabilitation clients. We applied the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS) in monitoring examinees' motor and process skills. As a result, those who met the required AMPS scores for independent living in the community in motor skills and process skills were 10.6% and 51.5% respectively. These results indicate that the increase of the level of required care is closely related to the degradation of motor skills.

Copyright © 2008, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.