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要旨:自閉スペクトラム症のある児(Autism Spectrum Disorder;以下,ASD児)の作業遂行技能および適応行動水準と知的能力を同時期に測定し,これらの特徴や関連について調査することで,評価の有用性について検討した.結果,ASD児の作業遂行技能や適応行動水準は,定型発達児と比較して−1〜−2SD以下の児が多く,各評価に基づいた支援の必要性が示された.作業遂行技能は〈身辺自立〉や〈家事〉の適応行動水準との関連が示唆されたが,知的能力との関連は限定的であり,今後より調査が必要であった.対象児や保護者のニーズに焦点を当てられるAMPSやVineland-Ⅱ適応行動尺度の有用性が示唆された.
The usefulness of assessments was investigated by measuring the work performance skills, adaptive behavior levels, and intellectual ability of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) simultaneously, and by investigating the characteristics and relationships among these assessments. The results indicated that more children with ASD had work performance skills and adaptive behavior levels of -1 to -2SD or less than those of children with typical development, indicating the need for support based on each assessment. Work performance skills were found to be related to the level of adaptive behavior in 'Personal' and 'Domestic', but the relationship with intellectual ability was limited, necessitating further investigation. This study indicates the usefulness of using the AMPS and the Vineland-Ⅱ adaptive behavior scale to focus on the needs of the target children and their parents.

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