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要旨:就労女性の家事労働上のストレス要因特徴を明らかにすることを目的とした.就労女性を対象に,賃金労働におけるストレス要因を総合的に評価できる日本語版NIOSH職業性ストレス調査票と,それを著者らが改変した家事労働版NIOSHストレス調査票(NIOSH questionnaire-Revised for Housekeeping Labor)の2つを用い,各々のストレス要因得点を算出し比較した.家事労働版NIOSHストレス調査票は予備調査を実施し妥当性を確保した.家事労働の特徴として,労働の裁量権が大きい,量的な労働負荷に対するストレスは賃金労働と同等である,記憶や注意などの認知的要求は賃金労働より少ない,得られる支援は賃金労働より少ないという点が示唆された.
This study attempted to investigate characteristics of stressors in housekeeping among working women. Participating subjects were 51 healthy working women from 30-60 years old. We used the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health General Job Stress questionnaire (Japanese version-NIOSH questionnaire) and the NIOSH-HK (NIOSH questionnaire-Revised for Housekeeping Labor). Japanese version-NIOSH questionnaire was used to assess the participants' occupational stressors. The researchers developed the NIOSH-HK to assess the subjects' stressors in housekeeping. To establish questionnaire reliability, we made a preliminary investigation of thirty participants. We compared household scores with job scores to investigate characteristics of housekeeping stressors. The results suggest that in housekeeping women had more decision-making latitude, used less cognitive functions, and had as much labor as they did on the job.

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