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方法:対象は,当院で手術を施行予定の腰部脊柱管狭窄症115例とした.検討項目は,手術直前のVisual Analogue Scale(VAS)による①腰痛,②下肢痛,③下肢のしびれの程度,股関節可動域(ROM)は④屈曲,⑤外旋,⑥内旋角度,JOABPEQとした.部分的最小二乗法(PLS)回帰分析を用いて,目的変数はVASの①,②,③と股関節ROMの④,⑤,⑥とし,説明変数はJOABPEQの質問25項目として回帰モデルの構築について検討した.PLSは,説明変数の部分的な情報だけのシンプルな回帰モデルを構築できるため,本課題に適応した.
Objective:The Japanese Orthopaedic Association Low Back Pain Evaluation Questionnaire (JOABPEQ) consists of 25 questions, which allows for the multifaceted evaluation of patients with low back pain. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether the JOABPEQ could be used to construct a regression model to quantify low back pain, lower limb symptoms, and hip range of motion (ROM) in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis.
Methods:We evaluated 115 patients with lumbar spinal stenosis scheduled to undergo surgery at our hospital. We measured the degrees of low back pain, lower leg pain, and lower leg numbness using the visual analog scale before the surgery. In addition, we measured the ROM of the hip joint during flexion, external rotation, and internal rotation. All responses of the JOABPEQ and physical function data were subjected to a partial least-squares (PLS) regression analysis.
Results:Low back pain, lower limb pain, lower limb numbness, and hip ROM during flexion could each be used for significant regression models with JOABPEQ items. However, the hip ROMs during external and internal rotation could not be used for regression models with the JOABPEQ.
Conclusion:On the basis of the results of the PLS regression analysis in this study, the degree of pain symptoms in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis may be quantified with the JOABPEQ items. Furthermore, the flexion angle of the hip ROM was quantified using the JOABPEQ items. The results of this study may indicate an effective means for establishing treatment plans for physical therapy.

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