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要旨 はじめに:脳損傷者の自動車運転再開に必要な高次脳機能の基準値の妥当性を検証するために実態調査を施行した.方法:2008年11月〜2011年11月までに東京都リハビリテーション病院に入院し運転を再開した脳損傷者を基準値群,2011年12月〜2012年11月まで同院に入院し運転を再開した脳損傷者を検証群とした.検証群の高次脳機能検査結果より暫定基準値の妥当性を検討した.結果:基準値群は29名,検証群は13名であった.検証群のうち高次脳機能検査結果がすべて基準値内である脳損傷者は9名(69.2%)であった.暫定基準値を下回った高次脳機能検査項目は,1名はMMSEおよびTMT-A,1名はWMS-Rの視覚性再生および視覚性記憶範囲逆順序,2名はWMS-Rの図形の記憶であった.結論:机上検査結果は運転再開可否の目安となるが絶対的基準とは言えず,症例ごとに運転再開の安全性について検討すべきである.
Abstract Objective:An actual-condition survey was conducted to verify the validity of reference values of higher brain function necessary for patients with brain injury to resume automobile driving. Subjects:Of the 74 patients admitted to the Tokyo Metropolitan Rehabilitation Hospital between November 1, 2008 and November 30, 2012, who underwent evaluation using the hospital's automobile driving resumption system at the time of discharge, 71 patients with brain injury who were judged capable of resuming driving were included in this study. Methods:Questionnaires were sent at least 1 year after discharge, to determine whether the subjects had actually resumed automobile driving. Subjects were classified by admission date into two groups:1) A provisional reference group that included patients admitted between November 2008 and November 2011 who had resumed driving;and 2) verification group that included patients who had been admitted between December 2011 and November 2012 and had resumed driving. The relationship between results on the higher brain function test for the verification group and provisional reference values was investigated. Results:The provisional reference value group included 29 patients, and the verification group included 13 patients. In the verification group, the results of 9 patients with brain injury on the higher brain function test were within provisional reference values. Conclusion:The results of the paper-based test are a reliable predictor of whether a patient is capable of resuming driving, but do not represent an absolute standard. Therefore, the safety of resuming driving should be investigated on a case-by-case basis.

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