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方法:対象は,運転再開を希望し当院を受診した脳損傷者71名(運転再開群43名,運転非再開群28名)とした.まず,群間比較を行い運転再開可否判定に関連するスコアを調査した(Mann-WhitneyのU検定,有意水準5%).次に運転再開可否判定の予測精度を調査するためreceiver operating characteristic(ROC)解析を実施し,予測精度とカットオフ値を算出した.
Objective:We aimed to examine the clinical validity of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)-III for resuming automobile driving in patients with brain injury.
Methods:A total of 71 patients who requested to resume driving after brain injuries were included, with 43 and 28 patients categorized in the resumed and non-resumed driving groups, respectively. Statistical analysis was performed by comparing the sub-items of the WAIS-III between the groups. The reference value of accurate determinants was estimated using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis.
Results:The results of the ROC curve analysis showed that the areas under the curves for full-scale intelligence quotient (FIQ), performance IQ (PIQ), and perceptual organization index (POI) were higher than 0.7 (with moderate predictive accuracy). The cutoff values were as follows with high specificity and low sensitivity:PIQ, 98.5;FIQ, 107;and PO, 107.
Conclusion:The cutoff values of the FIQ, PIQ, and POI of the WAIS-III were inadequate predictors for resumption of driving in patients with brain injury. However, if patients had all three scores less than 70, it was suggested that they refrain from driving.

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