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2011年から5年間にわたり施行された高次脳機能障害支援モデル事業は高次脳機能障害に対する社会参加を促進するために回復期からの連続した支援を目標とするものである.この中で高次脳機能障害・標準的訓練プログラムは,発症・受傷からの相対的な期間と目標によって3つの訓練(医学的リハビリテーション(以下,リハ)プログラム,生活訓練プログラム,職能訓練プログラム)が定義された.訓練を受けた障害者で障害尺度(Modified from Health Index by Rosser RM, 1988)(表1)の改善がみられたケースの74%が6カ月で,97%はその1年で成果が得られていることから,機能回復を中心とする医学的リハプログラムは開始から最大6カ月実施,その後は必要に応じて生活訓練・職能訓練を加えて連続した訓練を実施し,全体で1年間の訓練が望ましいものとされた1).
Abstract : The medical rehabilitation program for higher brain dysfunction consists of diagnosis, cognitive rehabilitation based on assessment by an interdisciplinary team collaborating with the family, community, school, work place, and social welfare integration including vocational rehabilitation targeting the patient's social participation. Medical rehabilitation generally requires a six-month duration, and after that, continuing transitional support and vocational rehabilitation, and a total 1 year training is considered necessary for regaining social participation. The alteration of Disability rate during 1 year showed significant improvement which suggests a positive effect of cognitive rehabilitation. The rate of return-to work or school as 1-year outcome of 20 patients who received cognitive rehabilitation in our hospital was 40%, of the remainder 15% enrolled in work preparation training in the hospital's outpatient program, 15% went on to welfare center and vocational rehabilitation, and 30% had difficulty returning to community activity. The rate of return-to work as a 1-year outcome in 100 patients in our hospital was 36% in traumatic brain injury, 48% in cerebrovascular disease, 25% in encephalopathy, 20% in acquired brain injury, and 15% in brain tumor patients. Although the specificity of medical condition such as recurrence, complications and slow cognitive recovery affect the rate of return-to work, participation in an in-hospital rehabilitation program only for one year is not sufficient to facilitate social participation. After completing the hospital's in-patient rehabilitation, continuing on to direct and bridged medical rehabilitation collaborating with social welfare and vocational rehabilitation centers is important to facilitate their social participation. Finally, support for patients with untreated higher brain dysfunction for more than 1 year is also discussed.

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