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海外の自動車運転に関する研究は,本邦で言う行政的な高次脳機能障害者に対象を絞った研究は少なく,外傷性脳損傷(traumatic brain injury:TBI)や脳血管障害(cerebrovascular accident:CVA)のように疾患別に運転適性を検討した研究が多い.今回,はじめに脳障害者の自動車運転適性予測に関する研究を概説する.次に高次脳機能障害の運転再開を判断する上で欠かせない神経心理学的検査を中心に,医療機関内で実施・判断でき運転能力を予測・反映する因子について紹介する.最後に,我が国での報告,当院での取り組みを紹介し,高次脳機能障害者の自動車運転再開についてまとめる.
Abstract : Driving motor vehicles is an important aspect of returning to society for patients with higher brain dysfunction (HBD). Many studies have reported predictors of driving ability for patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and cerebrovascular accidents (CVA). Road test evaluations, resuming or cessation of driving and accident rates were used to evaluate the actual driving ability in many studies. The most useful screening tests were assessments of the patients' cognitive ability. The predictors for TBI and CVA patients were focused on divided attention, selective attention, processing speed, reaction time, visuospatial and visuoconstructive function, visual ability (acuity, kinetic vision, useful field of view) and perceptual motor skill, etc. A Simple Driving Simulation has also been employed in our hospital. Matsunaga developed this simulator and reported that the simulator was able to discriminate the tendency to have accidents among healthy subjects. The standard range of the simulation was defined based on the results of 202 healthy subjects and was used for driving assessment. In addition, a study confirmed that the simulator included elements of divided attention and selective attention. The combination of neuropsychological testing (especially an attention test) and the simulation may be able to identify those patients with HBD that will tend to cause an accident. Patients with HBD who wish to resume driving motor vehicles must meet the criteria of neuropsychological testing and driving simulations in hospitals and their driving safety must be confirmed by road evaluations in Driving Schools.

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