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各種の認知リハの効果を無作為化比較試験(randomized control trial:RCT)で示すことはなかなか難しい.損傷部位が不均一であること,さまざまな背景要因が症例ごとに異なること,そして倫理性に配慮しなければならないからである.したがって認知リハの効果に関し,エビデンスの高い研究は少ないが,この制約のなかで,欧米を中心として発表されている認知リハに関するガイドラインを,筆者の経験とともに簡略にまとめる.
Abstract : Higher brain dysfunctions are common post stroke and traumatic brain injury. To establish best practice recommendations, it is necessary to appraise the evidence regarding cognitive rehabilitation. This paper seeks to integrate the growing number of treatment guidelines recommending the delivery of evidence-based cognitive rehabilitation. (1) The guidelines suggest several interventions that may be used to treat individuals with aphasia. These include treatment of intensive speech and language therapies, group interventions and community-based therapies. (2) There is strong evidence that compensatory strategy training is effective in improving memory outcomes post brain injury, which improves quality of life. Errorless learning is also recommended. (3) Direct attention training may be recommended for people who appear easily distracted or unable to concentrate and with whom time pressure management may significantly reduce task errors. They require a carefully organized environment to minimize the attention demands placed on them. (4) TBI survivors with executive functioning deficits should receive metacognitive strategy or goal management training. (5) Patients with apraxia should be trained in compensatory strategies i.e. verbalization and following a written/pictorial action sequence. (6) A variety of unwanted or antisocial behaviors may sometimes develop after brain injury. Longitudinal studies suggest that planned behavioral modification programs including cognitive behavioral therapy, when consistently applied, are effective in preventing these undesired behaviors from becoming established. (7) A patient with brain injury who wants to return to competitive employment or supported employment can be significantly effective.

Copyright © 2013, The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine. All rights reserved.