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要旨:脳卒中や頭部外傷後に高次脳機能障害を後遺している患者の中には,回復期リハビリテーション(以下,回復期リハ)開始時に,情動障害のためリハ治療が困難なケースがある.バルプロ酸ナトリウム(以下VPA)は精神科領域では抗てんかん薬としてだけではなく気分安定薬として用いられている.情動障害を抑制しリハ効果を高めるために,VPAを使用し,その有用性を検討した.山口リハビリテーション病院回復期リハ病棟(60床)の2006年8月~2007年4月の新規入院患者のうち情動障害コントロールの目的で7例にVPAを処方した.情動障害の効果判定には脳卒中情動障害スケール(以下JSS-E)を用い,リハ効果判定にはBarthel Index(以下BI)を用いた.JSS-E,BIともに,処方前に比べ投与後有意にスコアが改善し,回復期のリハにおいて,情動を改善しリハ効果を高めるためにはVPAが有効であることが示された.
Abstract : Clinical rehabilitation in patients after a cerebrovascular accident or a head injury is sometimes hampered by the onset of emotional disorders, particularly during the initial period of convalescence. Sodium valproate (VPA) is used not only as an antiepileptic drug but also as a mood stabilizer in clinical psychiatric practice. We used VPA for treating emotional disorders, thereby increasing the effectiveness of rehabilitation in a convalescent setting. We administered VPA to 7 patients with higher brain dysfunction to treat their emotional disorders from August 2006 to April 2007 in the convalescent rehabilitation ward (60 beds) of Yamaguchi Rehabilitation Hospital. We used the Japan Stroke Scale-Emotional Disturbance Scale (JSS-E) to evaluate the patient's mental condition and the Barthel Index (BI) to assess the effect of rehabilitation. The JSS-E scores showed significant improvement after VPA administration. The BI scores also showed improvement. These scores indicate that VPA was effective in treating emotional disturbances and in improving patient's activities of daily living. Thus, we showed that VPA can be useful in treating emotional disorders during convalescent rehabilitation.

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