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要旨:外傷性脳損傷(TBI)者の社会的孤立を防ぐために,集団で行う心理療法が注目され,さまざまな形態でのグループ訓練が試みられてきた.本報告ではTBI者に対して,デイケアの形態で行うグループ訓練の有効性を認知面と心理行動面に分けて検証した.過去3年間にデイケアに参加したTBI 20例を対象とし,訓練6カ月後に家族に対して行った質問票の結果で,心理面(抑うつ気分・興奮)と,行動面(他者情動の理解・身だしなみ)に有意な改善がみられた.これは,我々のとったグループ訓練の体制によりTBI者の発動性やコミュニケーション能力が改善したためであると考察された.TBI者の心理行動面の改善に,デイケアの形態をとったグループ訓練は有効であった.
Abstract : To prevent individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) from becoming socially isolated, various forms of group training have been tried. We have implemented group training for chronic-phase TBI in the form of psychiatric day care. In this study, we examined the effectiveness of day care based group training for 20 cases. The results of a caregiver questionnaire after 6 months training indicated that significant improvement was noted in both psychological aspects (in terms of depressive moods and excitement) and in behavioral aspects (understanding of others' feelings and personal appearance). This group training system might improve patients' motivation and communicative ability. These results suggested that day care based group training for TBI was effective in both psychological and behavioral aspects.

Copyright © 2011, The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine. All rights reserved.