

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


The role of speech-language-hearing therapists in hearing aid fitting for adults:Comparison of 3 styles of hearing aid provision in an otolaryngology clinic Yumi Okano 1 , Akifumi Tomizawa 2 , Hiroyuki Sakazaki 3,4 , Yasuko Ikeda 3,5 , Reiko Tsunoda 3,4 1Department of Speech-Language-Hearing Therapy, Gunma Paz University 2Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, International University of Health and Welfare 3Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Therapy, Mejiro University 4Mejiro University Ear Institute Clinic 5Department of Rehabilitation, Tokyo University of Technology Keyword: 補聴器外来 , 言語聴覚士 , 専門性 , 役割 , 補聴器購入率 , hearing aid fitting , speech-language-hearing therapists , specialty , roles , hearing aid purchase rate pp.489-497
Published Date 2024/12/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.6001200503
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 In our otolaryngology clinic, speech-language-hearing therapists (SLHTs) and/or certified hearing aid technicians (technicians) have been involved in the fitting of hearing aids. The clinic ran in three phases with different roles for SLHTs and technicians in each phase. In phase 1, SLHTs acted alone;in phase 2, technicians acted alone, and in phase 3, SLHTs and technicians worked together. In this final phase, the SLHTs provided initial guidance, hearing aid fitting tests, and communication instruction for the patients and their families, while the technicians were in charge of adjustment and sales. Compared to the second phase, the third phase had a greater purchase rate and fewer sessions, which suggests that the role played by SLHTs in hearing aid fitting during the third phase was significant. We therefore expect that in the future SLHTs will play a coordinating role in the overall process. However, there is currently a shortage of SLHTs specializing in hearing aids, so training and appropriate staffing of SLHTs with expertise in hearing aids are urgent issues.

Copyright © 2024, Japanese Association of Speech-Language-Hearing Therapists. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1349-5828 日本言語聴覚士協会


