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Progress in technology has enabled the early identification of hearing impairment and expanded the possibilities of hearing compensation for the profoundly hearing-impaired children. However, the efficacy of aural habilitation should be considered as the combined result of all the following factors:early identification, improvements of the hearing devices, family support systems, and adequate early habilitation process. In other words, early identification and early fitting of the best hearing device are not the only factors that are necessary for hearing management. Among the children who received their cochlear implants at an early age, there are some cases that could not develop their auditory skills. The efficacy of the aural habilitation really depends on the people who interact with the hearing-impaired child, namely, the speech-language-hearing therapist as the aural habilitation specialist, and the child's family members. In this paper I will discuss clinical foundations to promote effective uses of new technology, focusing on the following aspects : ①understanding of hearing loss,②auditory learning to use the auditory modality,③clinical skills that are necessary for the aural habilitation specialist.
Copyright © 2009, Japanese Association of Speech-Language-Hearing Therapists. All rights reserved.