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The purpose of this study is to examine the mechanisms underlining verbal perseverations uttered by aphasic persons in response to a picture naming task. The subjects were an amnesic aphasic patient (AA) with severe semantic deficits and a conduction aphasic patient (CA) with severe phonological deficits. We made a picture naming test using three word lists: semantically very similar words, phonologically very similar words, and dissimilar words. The results indicated that AA uttered more perseverations using the high semantic similarity word lists than with the other word lists, whereas CA produced more perseverations using the high phonological similarity word lists than with the other word lists. Also, the pattern of perseveration lag was different between AA and CA. These findings suggest that verbal perseverations reflect semantic and phonological deficits in word information processing, and perseveration results from persistence of activation of lexical representation.

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