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この13年間に101例の転移性肺腫瘍に対して138回の手術を行った.VATS(video-assisted thoracic surgery)単独が87回を占めており,VATSも同時に行った3例を含め開胸術は51回であった.手術死亡例は認めなかった.また部切97回,葉切21回,2葉切1回,葉切+部切3回であった.原発は大腸が43例と半数近くを占めており,腎12例,乳10例が多かった.左右同時手術はVATS 15回,VATSと同時開胸が3回で,両側開胸は1例であった.全体の5年生存率は30%であった.術前診断は重要で,全肺野マルチスライスCTと術前マーキングが必須である.再手術は28例に行われ,最高は6回の手術を5年半にわたって行った大腸癌症例で,VATSは開胸術に比べて癒着が少なく手術は容易であった.
We report the use of video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) and open thoracotomy as a treatment of pulmo-nary metastases. From April 1993 to April 2006, a total of 138 operations were done for 101 patients (51 men/50 women, mean age 62.8 years). The VATS (87 operations) and open thoracotomy (51 operation) were per-formed. Their primary diseases were colon cancer (43), renal cell carcinoma (12), and breast cancer (10). The 5-year survival rate is nearly 30%. A preoperative high resolution spiral computed tomography (CT) scan and preoperative CT-guided tumor marking with use of a needle with a suture were useful.

Copyright © 2006, JAPAN SOCIETY FOR ENDOSCOPIC SURGERY All rights reserved.