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完全直腸脱に対する腹腔鏡下直腸吊り上げ術について報告する.側方靭帯を切離することで直腸剥離を十分に行い,吊り上げは仙骨面へのシンプルな縫合固定で行った.症例は7例で,全例女性,平均年齢78歳であった.5ポート法で施行し,平均手術時間183.4分,平均術中出血量12.1 mlであった.術後初回排ガスは平均1.6日目に確認,術後合併症は1例もなかった.現在まで術後再発症例は認めていない(平均観察期間947.1日),直腸脱に対する腹腔鏡下直腸吊り上げ術は,会陰式および従来の開腹式では両立が難しかった低侵襲性と根治性を兼ね備えた術式といえる.
We performed laparoscopic suture rectopexy on seven cases of full-thickness rectal prolapse from March 2001 to August 2004. The mean age was 78 years, and all patients were female. Our procedure consists of the mobilization of the rectum at the plane of total mesorectal excision with the division of bilateral lateral ligament and the suture of the rectum to the presacral fascia without using a mesh. Sigmoid colon resection was per-formed in 2 patients; one had multiple polyps in the sigmoid colon, and the other had an elongated sigmoid colon. We used five ports in all cases.

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