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肝硬に伴う肝細胞癌と脾機亢進症に対しhand-assisted laparoscopic surgeryによる肝部分切除と脾摘術を行った.症例は63歳,女性.慢性C型肝硬変で経過観察中,肝S3に2.5cmの肝細胞癌を指摘された.汎血球減少および脾腫を認めた.臍下,左側腹部,傍正中にトロッカーを挿入し,上腹部正中に小開腹を加えた.脾摘,外側区域の授動は気腹下に行い,肝切離は吊り上げ法で行った.手術時間310分,出血量840g,脾重量530g,腫瘍径25×20mm,切離断端までの距離10mmであった.術後門脈内血栓を認めたが,保存的治療にて軽快した.一期的に腹腔鏡下肝切除と脾摘術を施行した報告は稀であり,文献的考察を加え報告する.
We describe a patient with hepatocellular carcinoma and thrombocytopenia, secondary to liver cirrhosis, who underwent a successful hand-assisted laparoscopic hepatectomy and splenectomy simultaneously. A 63-year-old woman with liver cirrhosis was admitted for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. CT showed a hypervascular tumor measuring 2.5 cm in diameter in segment Ⅲ. The maximum diameter of the spleen was 16 cm. The platelet count was 3.7×104/μl, secondary to hypersplenism. The serum albumin level was 2.7 g/dl, the prothrombin time was 68%, and the liver function was classified as Child B.

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