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◆要旨:患者は51歳の男性で,8か月前に左鼠径ヘルニアに対しTAPP(transabdominal preperitoneal repair)法を行った既往がある.再度左鼠径部の膨隆を認めたため当院紹介入院となった.腹部CT検査では,左鼠径部に軟部陰影を認め膀胱と連続していたため,左鼠径部膀胱ヘルニアと診断しTAPP法によるヘルニア修復術を行った.術後の経過は良好であり,第3病日に退院となった.術後約20か月の現在,再発は認めていない.膀胱ヘルニアは術中膀胱損傷の可能性があるため,術前診断することが重要であり,診断にはCTが有用であると考えられた.またTAPP法は膀胱ヘルニアに対しても,安全に修復することができる有用な術式であると思われた.
A 51-year-old man, who had undergone laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal(TAPP) repair for a left inguinal hernia 8 months previously, was admitted to our hospital because of a left inguinal bulge. Abdominal computed tomography(CT) showed a left inguinal hernia of the bladder. The patient was preoperatively diagnosed to have a left recurrent inguinal hernia with a bladder hernia. We performed TAPP repair for the left recurrent inguinal hernia with a bladder hernia. The postoperative course was uneventful and he was discharged on postoperative day 3. He has demonstrated no recurrence for 20 months after surgery. A preoperative diagnosis of bladder hernia is important to prevent the occurrence of bladder injury during surgery. CT is a useful diagnostic method for identifying bladder hernias. TAPP repair is a useful and safe procedure for the effective treatment of bladder hernias.

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