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◆要旨:[目的]巨脾に対する脾動脈バルーン閉塞下,用手補助腹腔鏡下脾摘術(HALS)の有用性を検討した.[対象と方法]脾腫症例に対して,脾動脈バルーン閉塞下HALSを施行した7例(SAB-HALS群)と脾動脈バルーン非使用でHALSを施行した13例(NOSAB-HALS群)にて手術成績を比較した.[結果]spleen volume reduction(術前CT-volumetryによる脾容量と摘出脾重量の差):SAB-HALS群(203±155)はNOSAB-HALS群(14±96)と比較して有意に高値であった(P=0.0034).出血量:SAB-HALS群(46±58ml)はNOSAB-HALS群(230±201ml)と比較して有意に低値であった(P=0.0304).脾動脈バルーンカテーテル留置の平均所要時間は40分と手技は容易で,合併症は認めなかった.[結論]巨脾に対する脾動脈バルーン閉塞下HALSは,術中脾うっ血を軽減し,腹腔鏡下脾摘術を安全に施行する有効な補助療法と考えられた.
[Purpose] The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of hand-assisted laparoscopic splenectomy(HALS) with splenic artery balloon occlusion(SAB) for massive splenomegaly. [Materials and Methods] The surgical outcome in 7 patients who underwent HALS with SAB(SAB-HALS group) was compared with 13 patients who underwent HALS without SAB(NOSAB-HALS group). Spleen volume reduction was defined as differences between spleen volume estimated using preoperative CT volumetry and resected spleen weight. [Results] Spleen volume reduction in SAB-HALS was significantly higher than in NOSAB-HALS(203±155 versus 14±96 ; P=0.0034). Operative blood loss in SAB-HALS was significantly less than in NOSAB-HALS(46±58 versus 230±201ml ; P=0.0304). The procedure of SAB was easy, and the mean duration of operation was 40 minutes. No complications was noted. [Conclusion] HALS with SAB is a safe and useful procedure with reduction of spleen congestion in laparoscopic splenectomy for massive splenomegaly.
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