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◆要旨:患者は57歳,女性.非代償性C型肝硬変に対する生体肝移植を目的に紹介された.腹部CTにて卵巣腫瘍を認め,良性もしくは境界悪性病変の診断で,付属器切除手術適応と判断された.そこで,腹腔鏡下付属器切除を施行後,一期的に腹腔鏡補助下による生体肝移植手術を立案した.上腹部正中切開8cmで開腹し,気腹下hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery(以下,HALS)にて婦人科手術で挿入したポートを用い,肝・脾を授動した後に正中創を12cmまで延長し,直視下に脾摘,肝全摘を行った.肝静脈吻合,門脈吻合,肝動脈吻合,胆道再建を同創より直視下に行い,手術を終了した.腹腔鏡補助下手術との組み合わせにより,今回のような重複疾患に対しても,低侵襲かつ安全な手術が可能であった.
A 57-year-old woman with a decompensated liver cirrhosis due to hepatitis C was referred to our hospital for living donor liver transplantation. During the preoperative work-up CT showed an ovarian tumor that was indicated for resection. We planned simultaneous ovarian tumor resection and living-donor liver transplantation. Firstly, ovarian tumor was laparoscopically resected, subsequently living-donor liver transplantation and splenectomy were performed by hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery and short upper midline laparotomy. By applying laparoscopic surgery, we safely performed a living-donor liver transplantation which was complicated with a disease in another organ.

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